Take the 2023 Bargaining Survey! Let Your Bargaining Team Know Your Priorities
Members Only. Take the 2023 Negotiations Survey Now!
It’s finally here! Our 2023 MEF-AFSCME Member Negotiations Survey. Your input in this survey is what your Union bargaining team uses when negotiating with the City for wages, benefits, and working conditions. The data collected from you serve as our guiding document when making proposals, counterproposals, and on which proposals to stand firm on. We invite all MEF members to let your bargaining team know your priorities by filling out the linked survey. Your input and feedback are central to determining the Union's priorities.
Management has already indicated that they are expecting City workers to once again bear the brunt of the City's economic woes (which are largely imagined) and poor planning. This is unacceptable. It's more important than ever that City staff stand united in fighting for a good contract!
This survey is only the first step however please take a few minutes to make your voice heard and your input counted.